featured project:

MDB Cares-Outreach and Community Building


The Mary Durham Boutique (MDB) is known in the Ithaca community for its stunning inventory of “socially responsible fashion,” an acknowledgment that environmental degradation will exact a  toll on all of the earth’s people, particularly women and children who are among the most  vulnerable in every nation.

Operated by the Women’s Opportunity Center (WOC), the boutique resells a curated inventory of gently used, quality clothing, shoes, jewelry and accessories, fitting into the overall mission of the  organization by exemplifying how attire impacts self-confidence while supporting direct resource sharing between women. and addresses our concern for the impact environmental degradation will exact on all peoples, especially women.

In addition to the retail operation, WOC launched a new initiative beginning in 2023. We call it MDB  Cares, a community outreach effort with four distinct components: sharing our fashion love along  with our inventory. 

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